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Pinus massoniana var. hainanensis

时间:2022-01-12 16:32:12

Pinus massoniana var. hainanens is a variation of Pinus massoniana native to Hainan. It is of great scientific value to study the flora of Hainan Island and the geographical range of Pinus species in China.

Protection class

It is listed as Vulnerable (VU) on the China Plant Red Data Book, and it is a protected wild plant in provincial level.

Distribution and habitat

Pinus massoniana var. hainanensis is found in BaWang Ling area in Hainan.

It grows at the ecotone of tropical montane rainforests and moss elfin forests at an altitude of 1,300-1,400 meters. Its habitats are relatively cold (with large temperature difference), foggy and windy. It is an intolerant tree species with developed taproots, which makes it thrive and grow in harsh environment. It has strong capability of understory natural regeneration. The seedlings and young trees can tolerate shade.

Morphological characteristics

Pinus massoniana var. hainanensis is a tree species with height up to 45 m and DBH up to 1.5 m. Bark is reddish brown, or greyish brown in lower parts, scaly and flaking irregularly. Branches spread flat or obliquely. Crown is broad and domed. Branches grow one round each year or two rounds in Southern Guangdong. Branchlets are yellowish brown and glaucous, with white pubescence rarely seen. Winter buds are ovate-cylindrical or terete, brown, with pointed apex. Bud scales have filiform margins, with apex pointed or acuminate, slightly revolute. 2-3 needles are in a bundle (12-20 cm long), slender, slightly twisted, with stomatal lines on both sides and serrulate margins. Two layers of subcortical cells are in the cross section, with the first layer arranged continuously and the second layer intermittently. There were about 4-8 resin canals, some marginal and two lateral. Fascicle sheaths are persistent, initially brown and then gradually turn gray-black. Male cones are reddish brown, cylindrical and curved (1-1.5 cm long), and clustered in the lower bract axils of new branches that are spike-like and 6-15 cm long. Female cones are solitary or subterminal in 2-4, with a light purple tinge. Annually growing small cones are spherical or ovoid (2 cm in diameter), brown or purple-brown, with spiny, erect ovuliferous scales in the upper part and flat, obtuse ones in the lower part. Cones are oval or conical oval, 4-7 cm in length and 2.5-4 cm in diameter, with a short, drooping pedicel. Cones are green before maturity and become chestnut brown when ripe, then falling off one after another. Middle seed scales are suboblong-obovate, or suboblong, about 3 cm in length. Scale shield is rhombic, slightly raised or flat, with a slightly obvious transverse ridge. Its middle part is a bit sunken with no thorns (excluding those planted in dry habitats). Seeds are oblong (4-6 mm), with wings 2-2.7 cm in length. Cotyledons appear in 5-8, with a length of 1.2-2.4 cm. Primary leaves are strip-shaped, 2.5-3.6 cm long, with sparsely spiny serrate margins. The flowering period is from April to May, and the cones reach maturity from October to December of the next year.



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