JianFeng Ling

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Basic Information

(I) Introduction

Name origin: The highest one at the altitude of 1,412m in the National Park is the main peak called JianFeng Ling. It features steep rock faces, jagged rocks of grotesque shapes, towering and spear-like mountains. This is the reason why it's named "JianFeng Ling".

Location, coordinates and area: JianFeng Ling Branch of the Management Office of Hainan Tropical Rainforest National Park is located in the southwest of Hainan Island, bordered by Dongfang City in the north, and adjacent to Ledong County in the west and east. Its geographic coordinates are 108°36' - 109°05'E and 18°23' - 18°52'N. It spans Ledong County and Dongfang City, covers an area of 679 square kilometers and accounts for 15.91% of the total area of the park. There is a core protection area of 505 square kilometers and a general control area of 174 square kilometers. The forest coverage rate reaches 98%.

(II) Travel Time

Visitors can experience the distinct beauty of the park all year round. During the rainy season (May-October), it is sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon. You are advised to bring everything you need.

(III) Rates

RMB 50


Visitors can get to the Jianfeng Mountain National Forest Park from the Haikou-Yulin (West) Highway, West and Central Hainan Ring Expressway and Hainan Roundabout Railway. The Jianfeng Town is one-hour drive from the Sanya Phoenix International Airport by taking the West Hainan Ring Expressway, or 3-hour drive from Haikou by taking the West or Central Expressway. Coaches departing from Haikou West Station or Sanya to Jianfeng Mountain are available every day.

1. Jianfeng Mountain Scenic Area: 16 km from the entrance, about 30 minutes’ drive.

2. Sky Pond Scenic Area: 18 km from the entrance, about 30 minutes’ drive.

3. Mingfeng Valley Scenic Area: 21 km from the entrance, about 50 minutes’ drive. 


(I) South Sky Pond

At the elevation of 800 meters, the sky pond covers an area of 600 mu. It is surrounded by rainforests and streams, just like a fairyland.

(II) Mingfeng Valley

It is a circular trail with a length of 1.96 kilometers. Visitors can listen to the beautiful sounds of native birds while walking through the typical tropical rainforest.

(III) Jianfeng Mountain

Jianfeng Mountain is 1,412 meters high and known for towering peak and steep cliffs. The peak offers a panoramic view of sunrise and sunset as well as the distant sea, clouds, forest and fog. One can step on the moss and elfin forest or explore the air-raid shelter relic at the mountain top.


Some delicacies you can’t miss here include Shanlan rice wine, glutinous rice wine, five-legged pig, Oriental porker and various wild vegetables. 


Rainforest Valley and Peach Garden can offer you a unique lodging experience from the mountain top. Or you can find some nice family-run hotels at the foothills, such as Coconut Bay, Minxin Inn and Yeji Hotel.


(I) One-day eco tour (30 km)

Tropical Arboretum -- Millennium Sleeping Buddha -- General Rock -- Fenghai Pavilion -- Lulei Waterfall --Black Hill -- Mingfeng Valley -- Sky Pond

(II) Two-day leisure tour (50 km)

Millennium Sleeping Buddha -- General Rock -- Fenghai Pavilion -- Botanical Garden of Sky Pond -- Sky Pond -- Tropical Rainforest -- Wildlife Music -- Zijing Waterfall -- Oxygen Bar --Fishing and Boating on Sky Pond

(III) One-day ravine rainforest adventure tour (35 km)

 Stone Carvings -- Deer Tree -- Ravine Rainforest -- Cyathea Forest -- Sky Garden -- Ancient Woods -- Buttress Roots --Stranglers --Yuanyang Waterfall --Giant Tree -- Fairy Pond

(IV) One-day adventure tour (28 km)

Cyathea Forest -- Viewing Platform -- Tropical Rainforest - Tree-hugging Vines -- River Source --Three-tier Waterfall --Zijing Waterfall - Oxygen Bar

(Ⅴ) One-day hiking tour (40 km)

Stone Carvings--Jianfeng Mountain--Deer Tree--Yunv Pond

Explore Rainforest


1. Permits are required for picking and wildlife specimen collection. No climbing.

2. No flammable objects inside. Do not carve tree bark or stone. Do not catch or intimidate wild animals (insects). Do not make unnecessary noise or chase for fun. Place your rubbish in the available waste bins.

3. Please stay away from the edge of the walkways without protective guard.

4. Permission is required to organize camping or other outdoor activities in the forest.

5. All outdoor activities are prohibited in extreme weather conditions such as typhoons, rainstorms, heavy fog, thunderstorms and strong winds.

6. Children and the elderly must be accompanied by families. Carry a travel medicine kit just in case. Take enough clothes to keep warm as temperature varies widely from day to night in the forest.

National Park of Hainan Tropical Rainforest

© Management Office of the National Park of Hainan Tropical Rainforest. All rights reserved.
Address: Forestry Department of Hainan Province, No.80, Haifu Road, Meilan District, Haikou, Hainan
ICP License No.: 琼ICP备17004007号-2
Hainan Networking Filing No.: 46010802000541
Website designed and developed by: Hinew.cn