Limu Shan

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Basic Information

Basic Information

(I) Introduction

Situated in the southwest of central Hainan, LiMu Shan range covers more extensive area than any other mountains on the island. The main part stands at the junction where Qiongzhong and Baisha counties meet with Wuzhishan City around the mountain YingGe Ling, while the rest extends northeastward to LiMu Ling in Qiongzhong and HaoRou Ling in the southwest, just along the border between Ledong County, Changjiang County and Dongfang City. The range is about 80 km long and 13 km wide. LiMu Shan has long been hailed as the birthplace and sacred land of Li nationality. Ancient Chinese astronomers identified it as the embodiment of a goddess, who was in charge of one of the 28 mansions in the sky.

The LiMu Shan area (109°31′E-109°49′E, 18°54′ N-19°14′ N) is located within the geographical range of Qiongzhong County in central Hainan, with a forest protection area of 755,200 mu.

LiMu Shan, a holy land of the Li nationality, has been known as the cradle of the Li people since ancient times. The myths and legends of the Mother of Li are deeply rooted in the profound culture of the area. Its forest is home to more than 4,300 species of animals and plants. Major attractions in the LiMu Shan area include Limu Temple, Limu Statue, stone mortar, Quling Ancient Forest Garden and so forth. What impress the visitors most are the high mountains, dense forests, abundant rain, unique scenery and mild climate here. LiMu Shan has been reputed as “the Cradle of Li people”, “the Heart of the Hainan Island”, “Source of Three Rivers”, and the “Origin of Aloes”.

(II) Travel Time

Visitors can experience the distinct beauty of the park all year round. During the rainy season (May-October), it is sunny in the morning and rainy in the afternoon. You are advised to bring everything you need. For winter tours, do not forget to take some sweaters with you.

(III) Rates

RMB 20


The Limu Mountain National Forest Park is located 62 kilometers from the junction of Haikou-Yulin (Middle) Highway and Wushi-Nada Highway in the west, just close to the “Tian”-shaped expressway network. It is 62 kilometers from the Nada Town in the north, 50 kilometers from Qiongzhong County in the south, and 120 kilometers from Haikou.  Self-drive travelers can transfer to Yangpu-Wanning Expressway from Haikou-Wushi interchange, get off at Limushan Town interchange, and take the tourist highway 15 kilometers away from the park entrance, which leads directly to the management center of the park. Individual traveler can take a bus to the Qiongzhong Bus Station and transfer to a shuttle bus bounding for the forest park at 4:30 p.m. every day.

1. Management Center of the Park: 15 km from the foot of Limu Mountain, about 30 minutes’ drive.

2. Limu Cultural Scenic Area (Limu Temple): 9 km from the management center of the park, about 20 minutes’ drive.

3. Hainan Pumped-storage Power Station: (upper reservoir) 6 km from the management center of the park, about 10 minutes’ drive. 


Major attractions in the park includeLimu Statue, Limu Temple, inscriptions and stone carvings, Fairy Sending Flowers, stone mortar, Fairy Cave, Golden Tortoise Watching the Moon, and Quling Ancient Forest Garden.


You can’t miss Qiongzhong yellow cattle, five-legged pig, Limu pheasant and various wild vegetables. 


Visitors can rest in Xue’er Mountain Villa, Happy Inn, Deniang Inn and Lizhiyou Farmhouse. 


(I) One-day rainforest adventure tour

Fairy Sending Flowers -- Quling Ancient Forest Garden -- Stone Mortar --Observation Platform

(II) Two-day leisure tour

Fairy Sending Flowers -- Stone Mortar -- Golden Tortoise Watching the Moon -- Limu Stone -- Limu Temple -- Inscriptions and Stone Carvings -- Fairy Cave -- Quling Ancient Forest Garden -- Hainan Pumped-storage Power Station

(III) One-day eco tour

Observation Platform -- Fairy Sending Flowers -- Stone Mortar -- Hainan Pumped-storage Power Station

(IV) One-day rainforest culture tour

Observation Platform -- Fairy Sending Flowers -- Golden Tortoise Watching the Moon -- Limu Stone -- Limu Temple -- Inscriptions and Stone Carvings -- Fairy Cave

Explore Rainforest


1. Permits are required for picking and wildlife specimen collection. No climbing.

2. No flammable objects inside. Do not carve tree bark or stone. Do not catch or intimidate wild animals (insects). Do not make unnecessary noise or chase for fun. Place your rubbish in the available waste bins.

3. Please stay away from the edge of the walkways without protective guard.

4. Permission is required to organize camping or other outdoor activities in the forest.

5. All outdoor activities are prohibited in extreme weather conditions such as typhoons, rainstorms, heavy fog, thunderstorms and strong winds.

6. Children and the elderly must be accompanied by families. Carry a travel medicine kit just in case. Take enough clothes to keep warm as temperature varies widely from day to night in the forest.

National Park of Hainan Tropical Rainforest

© Management Office of the National Park of Hainan Tropical Rainforest. All rights reserved.
Address: Forestry Department of Hainan Province, No.80, Haifu Road, Meilan District, Haikou, Hainan
ICP License No.: 琼ICP备17004007号-2
Hainan Networking Filing No.: 46010802000541
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